Thursday, November 9, 2017

Consolation Moon

Beautiful Sugar Creek. I can't resist the iconic covered bridge photo; I believe it's good for a person to step through the time portal and go back to a simpler time for just a little while.

I fish under the bridge and down at the tailout and find small fish in these familiar places. Then, with daylight left, I head for the setting sun and explore some new water. There's a deep run up against the near bank that gives up some bumps and a grab. I'll explore that more thoroughly next time from midstream.

I go back to the tailout in hopes that a heavier fish might be there now. My hopes are left hanging. The rising moon is a consolation as I roll up out of the breaks and onto the flatlands for my drive home.

1 comment:

  1. Covered bridges are so cool. Out here, we have a bunch of them, most are in out of the way places although there was I passed everyday on the way to work. Never thought to take a picture of it. I see you have rock stackers there too.
