Saturday, May 5, 2018

Signs of Life Everywhere

Off to Griffy for another adventure with Sebastian. It's a beautiful day and we put in some time getting serious about catching a fish.

But alas, we can't get even a nibble. No one else has been having much luck there either. Sebastian begins to dig deeper into one of his favorite topics: the relationship between rocks and water.

He pulls a big rock out from the shoreline. He's about to throw it to see how big a splash it will make when he notices something curious.

He calls me over to take a look. What are those gelatinous orbs attached to the underside?

We think they're frog's eggs. I begin to tell him what I know about the life cycle of frogs and am pleased to hear that they've already talked about that at his preschool. I say he can throw it in now if he wants but he carefully puts it back where he found it.

We decide to hike and while I'm packing up the fishing gear he responds to some ancient archetypal urge in the human spirit and leaves his mark on the rock. Signs of life everywhere.

Spring continues to unfurl in the woods.

Sebastian is patient while I stop to take photos.

He even helps me look for new wild flowers and finds the prize of the day: red trilliums.

We head for the truck and now I have to be patient while Sebastian pursues the art of climbing. 

I think maybe someday he'll make it back to the truck and never touch the ground.

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