From the US version of The Guardian, a British news service:
Congress moves to give away national lands, discounting billions in revenue
Though recreation on public lands creates $646bn in economic stimulus and 6.1m jobs, Republicans are setting in motion a giveaway of Americans’ birthright
Get the disturbing facts HERE. And plan that dream trip before it can only be done in our dreams.
From the boys at Moldy Chum:
Will the real Theodore Roosevelt please stand up?

The real Theodore Roosevelt
Who is the greatest conservation president since Teddy Roosevelt? Find out HERE. Big shoes that will not be filled this time out.
From Fly Fishing in Yellowstone National Park:
We're watching closely as a nominee for Secretary of the Interior
talks out of both sides of his mouth.
Get a breakdown of what he has actually done HERE. And try not to break down.
Obviously I have great concern about what this incoming administration and congress will do to our lands and waters. But it needs to be said that people, especially the most defenseless, are at even greater risk.
So take care of each other; our leaders, I fear,
will be too busy taking care of themselves.
Your message, Jim, is very well stated and should be taken to heart!